More to peace – huge insight – four agreements with yourself – being a better human being

My biggest insights or biggest guidances in life had always arrived through books, and normally gifts from someone special…

3 years ago my sisters gave me “os 4 acordos” from Miguel Ruiz. I had read it only now, 3 weeks ago, and it is amazing how much it has made a difference in my life since then…

The book just tell you about 4 agreements to make with yourself that will change completely your way to see the world, and then, how the world sees you – the world is brighter and finally you can achieve to make this world a better place for you to live in… Yes, you are the only responsible for the world you live in, as it is only a reflection, a mirror of your interior…

The book makes a parallel between the toltecas philosophy  (Mexican indian ancestrales) to budhism or the principles of yoga, like the Ahimsa, Avidya, non violence and pure truth… The main objective is to reach the peace of mind, or interior plenitud, finding yourself in a world where is simple and pleasant to live, the nirvana in budhism, heaven in Catholicism,

If you live creating a world of love and in your day to day you aim to avoid the violence in deeds or speech, added to this, learn not to take anything that happens personally,  do not assume anything that you do not have concrete information, meaning not judging, doing always the best you can; then you will find this nirvana, heaven in earth, inside yourself. This state is a state that is simply by living your life with unconditional love, lots of gratitude and great respect, first to yourself, and then for others!!

It is amazing how simple, but difficult it is….

But it is a great exercise…. and one see how each of them help each other…

The Four Agreements are:

1. Be Impeccable with your Word: Speak always with love or care. Say only what you mean, but always in a nice way. Never use words that might hurt a person, not in front of her/him, not on his/her back. Also do not speak anything bad about yourself. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love. Use your word to build the world you would like to live in. Always ask – this what I said, or what I am about to say is positive or negative, in case is negative but has to be said, ask yourself – how I am saying it will hurt or help the person??? You can say whatever you want and be welcomed, it always depends on how you do it…

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you, against you or to you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. Always when somebody says or does something – take yourself the observer position, and take yourself to the context, and analyze as if you are seeing something from outside – your reaction will be completely different, you will be much better prepare to further act as a better human being!! When you start to exercise this one, you will see how difficult is not to take personally, and always when you take personally, normally your words and deeds are not refrained from violence… If you are like this, others are also, and not on purpose, so just imagine that you want to help the other, by not reacting and not taking it personally then your words and deed will be with love, and the person will not take it personally and will thank you!!

3. Don’t Make Assumptions
Never take conclusions or judge somebody or some situation, ask direct the person what she/he means by doing or saying something.  If you are not sure why something happened or somebody did something beware not to take “bad” conclusions, judging someone. A great secret is to refer to the previous agreement, whatever happens, do not get yourself involved, judging that whatever happened has to do with you….  Always when you notice you are judging, come to the previous 3 agreements, and act with love, ask what people do really mean and try to help! With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret. By being sure you are doing your best, you will feel great, and for sure you will be seeing a development in your best!!!

Something beautiful that the book tells you after showing the 4 secrets is a great last secret….

When you are struggling to get the lovely words and deeds, and you are taking everything personally, just take a moment – just breath deeply, and with your eyes closed, imagine that one  and each human being would love to live in a world where no violence exists and that trust is all we have among all of us… Be sure that being a bad guy is tough and tiring, so even the people we call “bad” would love to live in a world where you can rest your defenses and only be yourself – by seeing THIS world, you just open your eyes and be strong on your purpose to build, at least YOUR world, as you would like it yo be…

My world will be a world where I act with love, speak with love, do my best not take anything personally and fight against any judgmental thought, no conclusion is good conclusion, if not with love!!!!

My world will be a best world each day, I will live my blue world, and will try my best to make my loved one’s also a beautiful blue world!!!!!

Someone want to go through this journey with me???




Peace Kit :) Big summary

Well, I will jump into a summary, as I would like to have here everything that did influence my journey to peace.

During my whole life, starting by the year of 1996, little “coincidences” happened that lead my life to a better one, but important – this was only because I had a bigger belief “Everything will always end up well, if it didn’t – do not stop the search, it is not the end yet, because everything DOES end up well…”

1) The book with what everything started:

“Do not sweat the small stuff, everything is small staff” – for this read my blog – the post on peace kit – 1st part…

2) The second book, or author that gave me different perspectives of life and death was “only love is real” Brian Weiss” This was somewhere around 2001.

In this book, Brian Weiss tells his experience with one of his patients, with whom he does a regression and it seems that the regression brings her to another life… This might be questionable, but with lots of experience and listening to proves it really mixed some feelings and knowledge inside me

3) The third step of my journey was a bigger step. This step started between 2001 and 2006, period in which I spent lots of time talking to my mother by phone, while I was in Germany and Hungary. We talked a lot about physic quantics and Buddhism, psychology, religions and mainly about life in general, and this was my hugest path to my actual believes and trueness.

This was the film  “What the bleep do we know?” – this film had some insights that were very important for my life from there on (2006 May). (see my post peace kit – 2nd part)

Some insights: Emoto – water crystallization research on positive / negative thoughts; How much negative thoughts can destroy your life; broaden you mind, broaden your attention, increase your awareness…

4) 2006 – 2007 yoga travel

The yoga brought me to a conscious level that showed me that whatever point of your life it will be always important to go back to yourself and let the whatever-bad-thing-happening go away through the focus on the good things that for sure are happening. The yoga, the asana practice is a way to the meditation, while you are doing your practice you are meditating, if you concentrate on each of your posture and try to master yourself, this little time you are there, you are only there, you are there only for you, this is meditating – with the yoga, I started the study of the Vedas, which completed a lot the other studies and learnings that I was through!!

5) Beautiful World – Already In existence

This CD, as other books, I had found by coincidence in the Amazon and had ordered just because the idea was attractive, but then this music had awe me…. The CD tell about a beautiful world already in existence, and the music “I know” is exactly my belief – I know that everything will be ok and I believe that the sun will shine again one day!

I know

How will I know, the sun is gonna shine again next day

I can reach you when you so far away

I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know, the smile behind your eyes is for real

I can touch you, and know what you feel

I know because my heart tells me so

There is so much energy, enough for every one

Deeper than the conscious mind, silent knowledge, wisdom we all share

Oh I know, I know, I know, I know, I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know that I will have the strength to go on

When all hope is gone

I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know that peace will come one day

That people can live in harmony

I know because my heart tells me so

I believe in days to come, people will be free

I believe one day we’ll see, everybody living life as one

6) 2007 – 1 year after my mother died, and after my divorce, for 1 year alone in Hungary and some still to go, but I knew that everything finishes well…

The other film that had really opened my eyes for another level of awareness, the one that confirmed and cemented the “everything-really-finishes-well” thing, and the “there-is-no-coincidence-in-life” was the film The Celestine Prophecy, and the biggest lesson here was – watch your life carefully – you will notice “signs” that will drive you to a better life, easier way – always be attentive and with an open heart, and life will make your heart beat as it will show you what is right or not, meaning, this will give you an open consciousness that is somehow called “sixth sense!”

There are 9 insights of this movie that give you something to think:

1 We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined.

2 As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will create a completely new worldview – redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.

3 We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.

4 From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.

5 The only solution is to cultivate a personal reconnection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lifts us into a Higher-Self Awareness.

6 In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve humanity toward this new level of reality.

7 In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our mission to unfold.

8 When enough of us enter this evolutionary flow, always giving energy to the higher-self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.

9 In this way, we participate in the long journey of evolution from the Big Bang to life’s ultimate goal: to energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.

7) After all this journey, and as life should be – I had moved from Hungary to Mexico, pretty afraid, as I did not know anyone there and my job would be a regional headquarters, far from the rush of a daily country assignment and my first wish was to go to Brazil as there was my family, and I needed family… Whatever you wish for, it does come – and I had re met an old boy friend with whom I had then marry again, and… …I had made a family, so not exactly what I had firstly thought, but as my mother used to tell me – you want a family, ask for it, but not for a specific one, but one that will make you happy – and the family came!!!

Well, with my husband, we have started to do my journey together, and for my surprise, he had started his own journey, which was similar! Together we went to a retreat in Tepoztlan where we had listen to many different things, from 2012 change to a more awareness dimension to the alpha meditation and this was in this magic place:

8) After this weekend meditating and seeing things from a different perspective, my husband and I had bought 2 books from the journalist that was part of the “what the bleep do we know”, Lynne McTaggart, “the intention experiment”, “The Field” – this is an incredible travel to the physic quantic!!! But in a very easy language… The intention of experiment, Lynee takes many scientists and experts together and puts in her book a summary of all sciences leading to the obvious – the intention that we have in our lives is what is going to lead you and your own life – and one can change it, or guide it into the direction that one wants!!!

…. I will post more experiences and other thoughts, but those 8 points are mainly my master guide!!!


Peace kit 6th – A Profecia Celestina (18/12/2007 … do meu computador)

Profecia Celestina…..

The Celestine Insights:

Insight 1:

We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined.

Nós estamos redescobrindo que vivemos em um mundo profundamente misterioso, cheio de coincidências e encontros sincronizados que parecem predestinados.

Insight 2:

As more of us awaken to this mystery, we will creat a completely new worldview – redefining the universe as energetic and sacred.

Quantos mais de nós nos despertarmos a esse mistério, nós vamos criar uma visão do mundo completamente  nova – redefinindo o universo como cheio de energia e sagrado. 

Insight 3:

We will discover that everything around us, all matter, consists of and stems from a divine energy that we are beginning to see and understand.

Nós vamos descobrir que tudo ao nosso redor, todas as coisas, consistem em e surgem de uma energia divina que começamos a ver e a entender.

Insight 4:

From this perspective, we can see that humans have always felt insecure and disconnetected from this sacred source, and have tried to take energy by dominating each other. This struggle is responsible for all human conflict.

A partir dessa perspectiva, nós podemos ver que os seres humanos sempre se sentiram inseguros e desconectados dessa fonte sagrada, e tentaram pegar energia dominando um ao outro. Essa luta é responsável por todos conflitos humanos.

Insight 5:

The only solution is to cultivate  a personal reconnection with the divine, a mystical transformation that fills us with unlimited energy and love, extends our perception of beauty, and lift us into a Higher-Self Awareness.

A única solução é cultivar uma nova conexão pessoal com o divino, uma tranformação mística que nos preenche com uma energia e amor ilimitados, amplia nossa percepção de beleza, e nos eleva a um reconhecimento do Higher-Self.

Insight 6:

In this awareness, we can release our own pattern of controlling, and discover a specific truth, a mission, we are here to share that helps evolve  humanity towards  this new level of reality.

Nesse reconhecimento, nós podemos libertar nosso próprio hábito de controle, e descobrir a verdade específica, a  missão, nós estamos aqui para compartilhar aquilo que ajuda a evolução humana em direção a esse novo nível de realidade.

Insight 7:

In pursuit of this mission, we can discover an inner intuition that shows us where to go and what to do, and if we make only positive interpretations, brings a flow of coincidences that opens the doors for our mission to unfold.

Na busca dessa missão, nós podemos descobrir uma intuição interior que nos mostra para onde ir, e o que fazer, e se fizermos apenas interpretações positivas, um fluxo de coincidências aparecerá, o qual abrirá as portas para que nossa missão seja revelada.

Insight 8:

When enough of us enter this revolutionary flow, always giving energy to the Higher-Self of everyone we meet, we will build a new culture where our bodies evolve to ever higher levels of energy and perception.

Quando uma quantidade suficiente de nós entrar para esse fluxo, sempre dando energia para o Higher-Self do de todos que encontrarmos, nós iremos construir uma nova cultura onde nossos corpos evoluirão para níveis ainda mais altos de enegia e percepção.

Insight 9:

In this way, we participate  in the long journey of evolution from the Big Bang to life’s ultimate goal:

To energize our bodies, generation by generation, until we walk into a heaven we can finally see.

Nesse sentido, nós participamos de uma longa jornada de evolução do Big Bang para o maior objetivo da vida:

Energizar nossos corpos, geração após geração, até chegarmos a um céu que finalmente podemos ver.

… hoje podia ser um dia que eu estaria irritada por meus planos basicamente não darem certo…. A yoga que queria experimentar, era uma Iyengar nivel 3 e o professor não me deixou ficar, me mandou para a aula de amanhã ás 10 da manhã, a manicure e pedicure que costumo ir todo sábado estava cheia hoje, não consegui, acabei indo em outro lugar…

…mas queria pintar o cabelo de manhã, não tinha hora, deixei meu telefone se conseguissem antes e ás 10:00 me ligaram para eu ir, então tudo se adiantou e fui com a Suki no cabeleireiro…

Com isso voltei para casa cedo, com uma vontade enorme de ficar sossegadinha e sentido a falta daquela paz e sossego que um dia tive, e que sei que está lá mas não tenho conseguido resgatar…

Foi então que cheguei em casa com a Suki, olhei o DVD que a Monika me emprestou. Ela falou que eu deveria assistir, ela disse que não parou de pensar em mim quando o viu, e o filme é o livro “cuspido e escarrado”, mesmo por que o produtor é o próprio autor do livro…

“A Profecia Celestina”….

Tinha começado a ler este livro um tempo atrás quando estava no meio da minha busca por algo mais, no meio da minha busca pela minha missão aqui, em um período que considero meu periodo de ouro, quando minha paz estava lá, um amor enorme por todas coisas e não havia perdido meu caminho, mas não sei por que não consegui acabar o livro, minha concentração estava, sempre foi na verdade, muito perturbada…

Hoje ao ver o filme, uma paz e uma mágica veio vindo. Partes do filme eu dormi, partes eu assisti, mas no final quando descrevem  as 9 profecias, sem querer levantei a cabeça em um suspiro profundo de entendimento, alivio, felicidade, plenitude e meu olhar pousou exatamente no porta retrato dos meus irmãos e …. …. Minha mãe…..

Lágrimas começaram a correr pelo meu rosto e um choro gostoso veio, olhei minha mãe com aquele sorriso tão aberto, tão puro, pleno de felicidade de estar no meio dos 3 filhos… Nesse momento, olhando a minha mãe na foto, no meio de nós 3, qualquer um poderia descrever sem nenhuma margem de erro o que é felicidade e amor incondicional…

Nesse momento as nuvens que cobriam meu caminho foram abrindo-se devagarinho e eu consegui enxergar o que eu enxergava antes, e que agora ficou ainda mais claro, apesar de ainda não estar 100% de volta…

Há algum tempo atrás, atingi um ponto de paz espiritual em que meu positivismo era natural, caminhava  paralelo a minha vida. Não era preciso esforçar-me muito para que as soluções aparecessem na minha frente, para que coincidencias mostrassem o caminho a ser tomado. Não raramente pessoas entravam na minha vida, me ajudavam, eu as ajudava, e elas partiam sem que nenhum sentimento ruim de posse ou perda se percebesse.

Porém desde há algum tempo, insegurança e medo intalaram-se em meu coração, tornando meu dia a dia cheio de disputas de poder, controle, posse e, mais que tudo, um medo de não perder algo que nem sei se algum dia tive… E quanto maior esses sentimentos, maior eram os sentimento de falta e de perda… De um maneira como se eu quisesse que minha mãe nunca tivesse ido, ou que meu casamento nao tivesse terminado, que as pessoas que tenho conhecido fossem exatamente um modelo que desenhei na minha cabeça, que eu fosse feliz da maneira como me descrevia na “minha” felicidade ou como esperava minha vida feliz…

Não percebi que nesse caminho perdi a coisa mais importante… A oportunidade de apreciar os momentos que vivia  sem expectativa, admirando o passado, a memória, que esse momento iria constituir e, ter o poder de começar o futuro da maneira que eu sonhava – livre de expectativas, apenas feliz de estar vivendo aquele momento e admirando a beleza de cada coisa em volta, que é na realidade a construção do nosso mais perto futuro, a construção do daqui a pouco….

E mais ainda…. Tinha esquecido que a única maneira de sermos capazes de nos darmos por completo á qualquer momento é estarmos plenos, sem expectativas, sem medos, sem sombras, e sentirmos dentro de nós mesmos um amor incondicional  a tudo que está em volta de nós…

Assistindo esse filme hoje, me fez relembrar o porque da minha procura, o objeto da minha procura, e, a plenitude do momento, me fez lembrar a minha procura….

Minha procura é uma procura que já acabou faz tempo, mas de tempos em tempos ela começa de novo, pois tenho que resgatá-la…

Minha procura é pela paz interior, o amor incondicional á todo e qualquer ser-humano, dando a todos a chance de ser um ser-humano especial….

O que me fez mais completa e me colocou em palavras tudo que acredito, foi uma junção de alguns dos insights da Profecia Celestina, mais precisamente, os insights 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 e 7…:

“(2) …redefinindo o universo como energetico e sagrado. (3) …tudo ao nosso redor consiste e vem de uma energia divina que estamos começando a ver e entender. (4) seres humanos sempre sentiram-se inseguros e  disconectados dessa fonte de energia sagrada, e têm tentado obter energia dominando um ao outro. Essa luta é responsável por todos conflitos humanos. (5) A única solução é cultivar uma nova conexão com o divino, uma transformação mística que nos preenche com ilimitada energia e amor, aumenta nossa percepção de beleza, e nos eleva a uma consciência do High-Self. (6) …a missão, nós estamos aqui para compartilhar, isso ajuda a evolução humanitária na direção desse novo nível de realidade. (7) Na perseguição dessa missão, nós podemos descobrir uma intuição interior que nos mostra onde ir e o que fazer, e se fizermos somente interpretações positivas, uma corrente de coincidências será trazida abrindo as portas para que nossa missão se complete.”

…bom, na verdade isso nesse momento é meu lema de vida, acabo de resgatar minha paz, havia me esquecido que o mais fácil caminho para encontrar a paz interior é através do amor incondicional á tudo e á todos !!!!!!!!

Obrigada Monika !!!

Quando nosso sonho vira propósito, nossa vida vira o nosso sonho!

Coincidências e sinais que ajudaram a chegar neste momento de paz – Outubro 2007, vindo de volta de Dahab

Horoscopo e tarot

13/10 – tarot

Things look gloomy today as far as love is concerned, dear Lara… Under the influence of the Hermit and the High Priestess, all you can do is curl up in a corner and cry, or brood on your current uncertainties. Neither of these cards makes you particularly open to the outside world. It’s a time for looking within yourself and questioning your situation. Take advantage of the solitude to reconsider certain of your patterns of behaving towards the people you love. In your active life, “Good things come to those who wait,” is your motto for the day. Without making big waves you’ll progress slowly but steadily, with intelligence and discretion, stimulated by the beneficial combination of the Sun and the High Priestess. Your ability for penetrating analysis, your creative vision and your logical approach will impress your partners and your colleagues. Why not be a little more forthcoming and share your ideas more openly?

Tarot – 14/10

Today, the lucky Star, in association with Judgment, is watching over your emotional affairs, filling you with a zest for life, curiosity and tenderness that you spread freely among those you love. If you’ve fallen out with someone, you’ll feel the need to take the first steps towards a sincere reconciliation without bearing grudges. Good for you, Lara! At work, you excel by being in command of yourself. The Star calms the fire that burns within you under the influence of the Emperor. Less hasty and more ready to compromise than usual, you steer your ship efficiently and soberly, in an atmosphere that favors the achievement of your goals. You project a calm but confident air that will take you a long way!

Your Horoscope for OCTOBER 14, 2007

Try not to be so intense when it comes to love and romance today, Lara. It is much better to take a lighthearted approach. Have fun with your lover and treat them more like your best friend than someone that you own or need to control. Remember that you are a whole person with or without the company of another. Don’t feel like you need a partner in order to feel totally complete

– Meu horoscopo da semana de 14 de Outubro

Loving Your Friends

Friends may be both a blessing and a curse this week, Lara, but don’t write them off altogether. You may need them more than ever at this time. Mercury is retrograde in your sign, which means you are finding it hard to trust people at face value. Even if they are not hiding anything, you may still worry that they have hidden agendas. This approach may get in the way of your business affairs and love relationships, so try not to be so suspicious, and instead look for the best in the person or situation that you face. Use your instinct for investigation and research to improve your own standing by changing your conduct where it may be lacking. If you become an example to others, instead of putting the blame on them, you will enjoy a lot more success. Do you want to enroll in a new course or class? If you have not done so already, this is a great opportunity to improve your skill set and give yourself a better chance of success in the future. If you have any legal issues pending, it may take a lot longer than you expected. But don’t rock the boat. Instead, stay positive and you should get some good news after November 2, when Mercury returns direct.

Peace Kit – 5th part – Beautiful World – Already In existence

Beautiful World – Already In existence

This CD, as other books, I had found by coincidence in the Amazon and had ordered just because the idea was attractive, but then this music had awe me…. The CD tell about a beautiful world already in existence, and the music “I know” is exactly my belief – I know that everything will be ok and I believe that the sun will shine again one day!

The lyrics:

I know

How will I know, the sun is gonna shine again next day

I can reach you when you so far away

I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know, the smile behind your eyes is for real

I can touch you, and know what you feel

I know because my heart tells me so

There is so much energy, enough for every one

Deeper than the conscious mind, silent knowledge, wisdom we all share

Oh I know, I know, I know, I know, I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know that I will have the strength to go on

When all hope is gone

I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know that peace will come one day

That people can live in harmony

I know because my heart tells me so

I believe in days to come, people will be free

I believe one day we’ll see, everybody living life as one

Peace kit 2nd part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it!

Right after my mother’s passing, I was a totally lost, I have missed the only person to talk to about everything. But mostly about existence, about life, death and whatever is between or within them…

After her passing, I brought to Hungary a movie that my mother wanted her kids to watch, which was a journey to quantum physics, spirituality, science and religion at the same time. I had never watched it, and on a phone call, my brother had told me that he had already watched it more than 5 times, and that he was getting the message of our mother…

I then decided to watch it. On a Saturday afternoon, after my weekly massage and “treat” to myself, I arrived home and jumped into a comfortable pajama, prepared some snacks and started to watch it…

I could not believe myself – the film was simply a summary of most of my beliefs and my talks to my mom, it was describing many things at once, and simply from different sides…

The film was “What the bleep do we know?”

What the bleep do we know? – this film had some insights that were very important for my life from there on (2006 May).

Some of them:

1) Positive thoughts to bring us a great life; my whole life my mother had told us that whatever happens we should see the positive side of it and we should spread the positivism throughout the world – and if we would do so, the world around us would be blessed, and nothing could be totally bad…

In the film, there is a very important scientific proof of this. The research on influence of thoughts, positivism, negativism or whatever feeling on crystallization of molecules of water from Emoto Masaru – it did prove that our thoughts influence molecules of water, and our body is 75% water, so whatever we think will firstly impact ourselves. The old story that whatever you send you get back, indeed is whatever you feel about others, whatever the intention you send, is firstly affecting you, because it goes THROUGH you!!!!

2) We are able to access much more information than we normally receive, if we are aware. The amount of information that really exists around us is much bigger than what we usually “absorb”, but there is always a way to widen this “lenses”. Let us put this way: When you see a film, you see only what the lenses had recorded, but all beyond the film scenario appearing in your screen, there are lots, huge amount of different things that are not recorded, they do not get to you, imagine that your eyes are the same – what about what is happening around you and you are not seeing????

…Well there were lots more in the film, and it is really worth to watch, this is a life changer…

Do it, for you and for the world!!

Bless you!


Peace kit 1st part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it!

There are some books, musics, places that are part of our life transformation, some “kitsch”, some meaningful, but for each one of us, they mean differently.

In my life, there are many circumstances that have changed me, or that have changed my way of seeing the world, and they have set the path on which my life is nowadays going through…

I can say that today I am much more mature, spiritually speaking, making myself a much calmer, happy and peaceful person, which does not mean that I do not have my moments, when I am spinning of and wanting to disappear or make some one do so, hihihi!

Well, no more delays, here is the transformation 1st story!

The first book that has changed me and has made great difference in my life, to see more the positive side to try not to over think things and to know that there is always a happy end, and as my mother used to tell, if you are still not happy, it means that the end did not arrive yet.

1) I was walking at a shopping center, after a terrible break up with a boy friend, I was really lost, I was at my first real nice job and I had to be better, but as always I could not do so…

Window shopping was something that relaxed me, and walking through the window of a book store, a book fell from the place it was and I noticed its color, I entered then the store and while I was checking the books, a nice gentleman took a book, with the same colors from the one that I have seen falling – he then handed it to me commenting – “it really did something to me, you should take a look, in case you are not looking for something specific!”…

Well, this was the book:

Don’t sweat the small stuff – and it’s all small stuff (in portuguese “nao faca tempestade em um copo de agua”)

Each chapter has a lesson, one can read it opening in the morning and then going through the day with this learning.

I did it differently – I had post its blue and green and I was tagging the chapter according to the benefit that it would give me professionally or privately.

One nice chapter tells us that our thoughts are the “kings” – they are the ones that make us feel bad or good, and in adapting – domesticating them, we would run our lives and be much happier, and it tells us to do an experiment, to think on something very very nice and to try to feel bad, angry…. try it – impossible!!!!!

WOW – this was the beginning of my long travel to positive thoughts and how to calm down the mind and the life by keeping bad thoughts very distance!!

(The ones familiar with Yoga will notice that this is the principle of Yoga – calm your mind, control it “Citta Vrtti Nirodah” in order to find peace – “Samadhi”)

I have, since then, shared this book with many people, and one boss of mine gave this book as a Christmas gift for all the organization in Brazil and the same happened in Portugal – after this I probably shared this book with dozens of friends!!

Everyone should have this book to check sometimes!!
